Tuesday 22 November 2016

Movember Week

Student council is piloting our Movember initiative for the school. Students across LKS are encouraged to BRING a DOLLAR, and WEAR a MUSTACHE on Friday, November 25th for Men's Health charities. The class with the highest participation will win a chance to redesign the facial hair of a teacher. I know several on staff who could use a trim. It's for a good cause, so bring a dollar and maybe you can makeover me!

Thursday 10 November 2016

Remember November

Wow, what wonderful weather we have been having! Thanks again to our parents that donated fans to help us through our warm October. And now that the school bells have adjusted to the time change, everyone can enjoy the day light without confusion.

Scientists in the School at the end of last month went amazing. Thanks again to the grade parents and the parent volunteers for helping with the stations, it was such a great opportunity for hands on learning! That allows us as a class to consolidate all the new ideas together.

It was a wonderful Halloween season, and all of the children wearing their costumes made a big splash. We explored how different cultures have similar traditions, including our beautiful Dia de los Muertos sugar skull art. It's all about taking scary things from our cultures and owning them!

Book Talks: We've been discussing our upcoming Book Talk projects all week in class. I've checked in with every student, but some questions seem to get left behind. All the relevant information can be found in the Organizer that went home, along with the attached rubric. Ask your child what they're planning to do, we are starting presentations next week :)

Remembrance Day is this Friday, and all are welcome to attend the assembly. Our class has put together a wreath that is covered in all of our class's hopes for the future of the world. A very inspiring addition to the ceremony.

Remember that Progress Reports go home Monday, and I'm very much looking forward to interviews next week. If the bookings online didn't quite function properly, or fail to meet your schedules, don't hesitate to contact me to arrange a meeting. Everyone is welcome, and I love the passion parents have to discuss their child.