Tuesday 31 January 2017

Parent Teacher Interviews

A quick reminder about parent teacher interviews, you can book an interview at schoolinterviews.ca as per the school newsletter. Generally, the interviews in Term 1 are for addressing specific concerns, so don't feel pressure to book one if it isn't convenient, and I haven't contacted you already. As timing gets quite busy during that week, and the variety of schedules of different families, parents are quite welcome to contact me for an interview, or phone conference any time throughout the year.

Gong Hei Fat Choy!

Happy Lunar New Year, and Gong xi fa cai to our mandarin speaking friends!

At the end of the month we celebrated the new year, sharing stories about the Zodiac, (our grade 4s informed me happily that they are Golden Pigs, and I am just a normal old snake), the story of Nian, and made our own Dragon Mask puppets, and decorated a lot of things in Red and Gold! 

This week is the Science Fair at LKS, and our students are already excited to go check it out. As a judge, I must stay impartial but I can say that any parents who want to bring ANY students to the OPEN HOUSE house tomorrow night (Feb 1st) are in for a treat. The intermediate students will be there to showcase, explain and educate all of us on their work.

The science train keeps rolling as we also are lucky enough to get a special lecturer that will be giving a MYSTERY themed science presentation on February 16th. If you're reading this, you know before the students do so fell free to tease it and get them curious! Curious minds ask great questions and great questions lead to great investigations (we will be beginning our inquiry-lead research projects this month on habitats, organisms and adaptations).

Thank you to all our parent volunteers who ferried us to the Mastercard Centre, without you, we'd never have gotten such a great free-skate. Exercise is always a little more rewarding in a fun and different setting. 

Sunday 8 January 2017

Generosity at Lambton, and a Happy New Year

Welcome back Students! Also Parents. Also staff.

I hope everyone had a restful break, I'm sure all the Lambton households are full of children begging for the start of school to come again. Well beg no more!

I'd like to start off the New Year by thanking our community. In our Grade 4 class, we always talk about ways to help our fellow Canadians, both in and outside the neighborhood. We were proven right by our parents and family communities many times over.
Our Stonegate family received two of the fullest baskets in the school, stuffed with necessities, treats, not to mention the gift cards and holiday spirit. I feel truly lucky to have such wonderful examples to guide my students, and am inspired by your generosity inside and outside the classroom.

We are excited to share our holiday adventures when we all meet up again in the classroom, and there will be a lot of showing and telling in store, I'm sure. We will also make some New Year Resolutions, (I'm sure the parents will be more than interested in the goals set by their children.)

We will also be starting to build towards our school-wide inquiry fair next month. Grade 4s will be directing their next big science projects about animals and their habitats with their own questions, and researching the answers. Big questions, little questions, all guiding us to investigate the important answers that make an informative projects. It's going to be very exciting, and I look forward to some very proud faces very soon.